Project management

The organizational structure of EC Engineering comprises the Project Management Office (PMO) successfully operating over several years. The PMO employs the project managers experienced in implementation of major international and interdisciplinary projects and manages the projects assuming over 100 thousand man-hours and budget of several million euros. The main objective of the PMO is to implement the projects to satisfy our customers, in line with the assumed budget and schedule and with assurance of high quality.

To effective project management, the dedicated IT tools (e.g. MS Project, Wayman, Plan de Campaign) and conventional project management supporting tools are used.

Main duties of the Project Managers are:

Planning – use of dedicated and advanced tools and systems allows optimizing the planning and scheduling time and facilitates its modification.

Supervision – is carried out not only by verifying the data coming from the dedicated applications but also through project meetings and reviews held together with the customer.

Risk– this term defined in a different manner as opportunities and threats is very important from the point of view of the project launching. The author’s ‘Risky meetings’ cycle allows to manage effectively the event uncertainty.

Communication – clear and understandable communication is a key element for successful project launching. Thanks to experience gained by participation in completion of the international projects, the PMO may easily understand the customer’s requirements and explain them to the team.

Financing – business objectives are an integral part of each project. The Project Managers supported by IT systems have access to up-dated information on project financing and respective financial forecasts to enable effective decision making.

Please, contact us for more informations

Bartosz Świerczyński


Michał Lasiewicz