
Training is the best way to improve your skills and knowledge of software and FEM/FEA methods.

Our lecturer not only conduct theoretical and practical trainings, but also consult clients’ current problems during classes. We have several training options.

Traditional and online Trainings | MSC Software

We organize training in programs such as Patran / Nastran, Marc, Adams, MSC Apex and many others. The full list of trainings and topics is available at the link below. We carry out trainings at our company’s headquarters and at the client’s office.

Learning Platform | MSC Software

If you don’t have time for long journeys, you need answers to selected topics, your memory fails after a while, the MSC Learning Center will be a good solution.

As part of the MSC Learning Center, you get yearly access to the MSC Software training platform where you can find almost all trainings for products offered by MSC Software.

Traditional and Online Trainings | LS-Dyna

We organize trainings on LS-Dyna. The full list of trainings and topics is available at the link below.

Trainings can be carried out at the headquarters of our company and at the client’s office.

As we cooperate with Dynamore, we offer the majority of LS-Dyna trainings as Dynamore, with the difference that they can be in Polish.

Just to answer the most typical questions – intorduction to Ls-Dyna usually last 4 days.

  • Introduction to LS-Dyna solver taked 3 days (24 hours)
  • Introduction to official pre-post solution (LS-PrePost) takes 1 day (8 hours)
  • For Hypermesh Users we can organize 4 hours introduction (but please notice that LS PrePost skills are must be)

Please, contact us for more informations

Karol Wesołowski

Software Business
Development Manager

Karolina Wagner

Software Business Support